
Interloans is a service that allows us to borrow a book from practically any other library in New Zealand.

What’s Available

Books only - and usually not very new titles, reference material, children's books or anything from Alexander Turnbull Library.


A minimum of $6 per interloan request.

We will check the book is available and let you know of any charges over and above our $6 fee.

All charges need to be paid before we order the book.

The $6 charge is non-refundable.

This is a service available to Horowhenua residents only. If you live outside the district please see your local library.

How to do it

Login to the NZ Libraries catalogue and locate the book you want to read.

You will see that the names of all the libraries who own copies of the book are shown. At the right hand side of the screen is a place where you can have the results emailed to you. Do this, then forward the email to [email protected] with Interloan in the subject line.

In the body of the email tell us:

  • your name,
  • a contact phone number or email address, and
  • your library card number

The $6 interloan charge will be put on your account and we'll phone or email you when your interloan arrives.

Can I renew my interloaned book?

Sometimes we can but we need to apply first to the library who lent it to us. It's a good idea to try to read interloaned books quickly in case they don't allow us to renew it for you.